Our clients have found that in some cases the fragmentary hours of services provided are not sufficient to meet their needs. For this reason we have created the service YOUR PARTNER. In this way, the needs of the business are better served and at a lower cost.

With this service we provide your business with a weekly specialized consultant of our company, who covers needs and solves issues that arise in your information system in a more systematic way. The service Your Partner. is provided in three different versions, in YOUR PARTNER-16, YOUR PARTNER-24 and YOUR PARTNER-32, depending on the one that meets the requirements of your business.

In the use of your information system, solving problems and user queries.

Analysis of corporate processes and customization of software to meet the exact needs of the business.

Create reports, OLAP, Dashboards, statistics, use of BI technologies.

Solving problems or malfunctions and limited adjustments to the computer system.